Descendants of Charles Cosstick and Caroline Dawe
Charles Cosstick and Catherine Young This chapter is in the process of being written. There may be incomplete or incorrect information at this stage. Please let me know if you have anything to contribute.
Charles Cosstick was born on 8 August 1842 in Croydon, Surrey, England. He died of a stroke on 9 September 1896 in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, and was buried in the Avondale Cemetery at Stratford.
Go to another chapter for full details of the life of Charles Cosstick.
After a few years in Victoria, Australia, Charles went to new Zealand where he married Catherine Young on 12 June 1866 at the Presbyterian Church, Lawrence. catherine was born in 1839 at Gavan, Ireland, and was the daughter of John and Catherine Young.
In the late 1860s Charles Cosstick disappeared. Shipping records indicate that a Mrs Cosstick (Irish) returned to Melbourne from New Zealand on the "Albion" in 1874. She was accompanied by five children
Catherine waited until 1893 to marry Murdoch McLeod and lived at 126 Harris St, South Melbourne at the time of her death on 1 February 1897.
Catherine probably never knew what happened to Charles.
Charles Cosstick and Caroline Dawe
Charles Cosstick went to Canada, via the USA, sometime before 1869 where he married Caroline Dawe on 3 July 1869 at Stratford, Ontario. Caroline was born on 17 May 1846 in Ontario and was the daughter of Richard and Anne Dawe.
Charles and Caroline had at least eleven children. Shortly after their marriage they travelled to Ohio, not far away in the USA. It is possible that Charles was working and living there as his marriage certificate indicates some time in the USA.
Their first child was Charles Thomas Cosstick who was born on 27 June 1870 in Cincinatti, Ohio. This Charles died on 4 December 1942 in Stratford, Ontario.
The second child was William John Cosstick, born on 25 November 1871. William married Mary Ann Ladds Southwell on 9 December 1915 at Vancouver, British Columbia Mary Ann Ladds had been born in 1869. She died on 1 August 1939 and was buried at Mountain View Cemetery, Vancouver, BC. William died on 18 October 1945 in New Westminster, USA.
The third child was James Edward Cosstick who was born on 10 June 1874.
The fourth child was Robert Henry Clearland Cosstick born on 1 July 1876 He died in 1936.
The fifth child was Edith Cosstick who was born on 20 April 1878 in Stratford, Ontario. Edith married John Gamble on 21 March 1898.
The sixth child was Sarah Ann Cosstick born on 6 April 1880.
The seventh child was Leonora Cosstick born on 13 May 1881.
The eighth child was Herbert Cosstick born on 13 May 1881. He died in Sep 1963 in Michigan, USA. There are some suggestions that he was born 1883. Herbert Cosstick married Florence M Griffiths, daughter of John Griffiths and Susan Hamlin on 12 December 1905 at Woodstock, Canada.
The ninth child was George Henry Cosstick who was born on 21 June 1884 at Stratford, Ontario, Canada George died in 1960 in British Columbia.
The tenth child was Richard Samuel Cosstick born on 8 July 1886.
The eleventh child was Francis Patrick Cosstick, born 17 March 1889 at the township of Downie, Stratford, Ontario. Francis became a farmer and died on 3 May 1914 in Downie, Stratford.
George Henry Cosstick and Mary Ann Hattery
It is reported that the ninth child George Henry Cosstick met Mary Hattery (sometimes known as Mary Haddock) around 1905 and six children resulted. It seems unlikely that George and Mary ever married.
Mary Hattery is something of a mystery. She was born on 25 August 1877 at Marshall, Iowa, and married William Lee Haddock on 4 April 1896 in Perth County, Ontario. She would have been aged seventeen. William Haddock was born on 10 August 1873 and would have been twenty-one. All her subsequent children had the surname Haddock including those suspected of being fathered by George Cosstick*.
Mary Haddock died on 29 January 1953 at Ridgetown, Ontario and was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery at Ridgetown.
The 1880 Census of Wayne, Henry, Iowa indicates a M.A.Hattery aged 2, born IA, with the head of the Household being J.B.Stutzman. The child's mother had been born in Canada and the father in Ohio. Stutzman, aged 32, had been born in Ohio and his wife, aged 37 and named Barbara, also in Ohio. There were four of her children by a previous marriage also living with them. Their surname was Dieffenbach.
The 1880 Census of nearby Scott, Henry, Iowa lists Barbara Hattery, aged 28, widowed, born Canada, staying with the Culbertson family.
There is an 1881 Census entry for Brantford, Ontario indicates Thomas Hattery aged 24, his wife Margret aged 23, both Irish, and their daughter Mary Ann Hattery born March 1881 living in the same household. This would appear to be a different family but possibly related to the William Hattery who married Barbara Hoffmeyer.
It is of interest that Mary Ann Hattery's mother was born Barbara Hoffmeyer, at New Hamburg, with her parents being John and Elizabeth Hoffmeyer. Caroline Dawe's two sisters, Mary Anne and Elizabeth both married members of the Hoffmeyer family, John and Henry, and subsequently lived in Osceola County, Michigan.
In 1901, five years after Charles Cosstick's death, Caroline Cosstick and her family lived next door to the family of John Hoffmeyer [Canadian Cenmsus for 1901].
The 1851 Census for Waterloo County Ontario (which includes New Hamburg) lists the family of John and Elizabeth Hoffmeyer. Barbara Hoffmeyer was not born until the following year.
HOFFMEYER John m 41 Germany Lutheran turner married
HOFFMEYER {?} Elizabeth f 32 Germany Lutheran married
HOFFMEYER Margaret f 10 Ont Lutheran
HOFFMEYER Catherine f 9 Ont Lutheran
HOFFMEYER Gertrude f 7 Ont Lutheran
HOFFMEYER Leander m 4 Ont Lutheran
HOFFMEYER Unnamed girl f 1 Ont Lutheran
1896 Marriage of Mary Ann Hattery and William Haddock
The Marriage Register Perth County Stratford (#9053) lists William Haddock, Labourer, aged 19, of Mitchell Ontario, son of James and Ann Haddock, marrying Mary Ann Hattery, aged 17, of Stratford Ontario, born Marshall Iowa USA, daughter of William and Barbara Hattery. The marriage took place on 4 April 1896 at the Church of England Stratford. [Mary Ann's surname is written as Hartley on the register]
The 1907 Birth Register for Perth County Stratford Division (p.256 No.53) lists Margaret Elizabeth Haddock born on 30 July 1907 with her father being William Haddock and mother Mary Ann Moore. Their address was given as 315 Douglas Street, Stratford. William Haddock, who completed the register on 21 August 1907, gave his occupation as a Laborer.

1912 Journey to the USA
There is an immigration record for Mary Ann and five children and George Cosstick seeking admission to Port Huron, Michigan in July 1912.
The manifest lists Mary Haddock, aged 35, no occupation, and her children Marnie 17, Edna 13, Mabel 8, Margerie 5, John 2. The nearest relative is listed as her husband William Haddock of 17 Hibernian Street, Stratford.
The next line lists George Cosstick, aged 30, laborer. His nearest relative is given as Mr Frank Cosstick of Stratford.
Despite giving the correct details for their nearest relatives Mary gives her nationality as Scotch and George as English. Both indicated that they had no money and that they could neither read nor write. They both indicated they were going to visit George's older brother James Cosstick who lived at Port Huron. James and his family had emmigrated there in 1910. The fares for Mary and her children were paid by a 'friend' and George paid his own passage.
Next to all their names is stamped the initials L.P.C. This indicated that they were a 'Likely Public Charge' and was usually the reason for debarring people who had no money, no job and no prospects. Mary Ann, George and the children all had the word 'Debarred' stamped next to their names. Their only chance was to have a friend or relative vouch for them or give them money or employment.
However even that may not have helped them for next to Mary Ann's name is also stamped the word 'Criminal' and next to George's is the word 'Procurer'. The definitions of both of these words in immigration regulations is as we might imagine although we do not have the specific details of why Mary Ann and George earned these labels.

On the following page it is indicated that William Haddock Jr. aged 22, is going to join his friend James Cosstick, aged 24 at Port Huron. He indicated that William Haddock of 17 Hibernian Street, Stratford, was his father. He also indicated that he was a baker by trade, could both read and write, and had the remarkable sum of $100 with him. Perhaps needless to say, William Haddock Junior was not debarred from entering the United States.
It is of interest that the Border Crossings manifest for 24 July 24 1913 [Pages 129/130 Line 18] lists William Haddock aged 40 years going to visit his brother Arthur Haddock at the Electric Light Company at Port Huron. He indicates that he cannot read nor write, has five dollars with him and that his wife Mary Ann is at their residence at 160 Hyman Street, Stratford. He is described as being 5 feet 5 inches tall, having brown eyes, and a 'florid' complexion.
In 1918, 47 year old William Haddock tries to cross again but is debarred. He is listed as being 'illiterate', that his wife Mary is at 160 Hyman Street, London, Ontario. He has no money with him, indicates that he has never been to the United States before and is planning to visit a friend John Gamble at Port Huron. He indicates that the length of his visit is indefinate[Pages 95/96 Line 18].
Returning to Mary Ann. She would have been pregnant at the time of her application in 1912 as her next son George Andrew Haddock was born two months later on 10 September 1912 back in London Ontario. It is suspected that George Cosstick was the father.
Two more children were subsequently born - Florence and Harry - both born at Pointe Edward. On Florence's death certificate of 1932 Mary Haddock lists William Haddock as the father although it is also suspected that George Cosstick was the father*.
It would appear that Mary had four children with William Haddock then three with George Henry Cosstick, then went back to William and had John, and then went back to George and had more children*.
Several sources report that Mary Ann's children with William Haddock were: William Alfred Haddock born 1894; Mamie Violet Haddock 1896-1957 married to Thomas Farrow; Edna May Haddock 1899-1983 married Freeman Farrow brother of Thomas; Mable Ellen Haddock 1904-1994 married to George Jackson, Ross Atchinson and Horace Humble.
The same sources suggest that Mary Ann's children with George Cosstick were: Infant male Haddock 1906-1906; Marjorie Elizabeth Haddock 30 July 1907-1982 married William Bill Heaton; Catherine Myrtle Haddock 22 July 1908-1911; John Haddock 1910-1968 married Jean Cowell; George Andrew Haddock 10 September 1912-1990 married Ethel Cowell sister of Jean; Florence Catherine Haddock 1915-1932; Harry James Haddock 3 September 1916-1985 married Betty Jean Backshell.
Even though all the children were registered with the surname Haddock it seems certain that at least Harry, Florence and George, and possibly John, were fathered by George Cosstick
The children fathered by George Cosstick were often taken to visit and stay with him when they were young*. Later, it is reported, the older children, those fathered by William Haddock, did not want to associate with those fathered by George Cosstick**.
George Henry Cosstick is reported to have later changed his name to Smith. And Mary Haddock eventually changed her surname to Henry*.
The 1923 record for Perth County, Ontario has the following: (#018524-23 Perth County) Louis Ernest OSIER, aged 24, farmer, from Metcalfe, Middlesex County, son of Charles Osier and Mary Drouillard, married Marjorie Eleanor Haddock, aged 18, of Stratford (no residence given) daughter of William Haddock and Mary Ann Hattery. The marriage was witnessed by George and Alice Louisa Moore both of Stratford, on 24 February 1923 at Saint James Rectory in Stratford.
It seems that Marjorie overstated her age - she was born in 1907 and so would have been sixteen. The witness, George Moore, was Mary Ann's half brother - Barbara Hattery having married William Moore.
1894 - Marriage of Barbara Hattery to William Moore
Marriage Date: 4 September 1894. Barbara Hattery/Hoffmeyer and William Moore - Perth County. Source: Perth Family History Library Microfilm: MS932_83**
1937 - Death of Barbara Hoffmeyer
Death date: 27 January 1937**
Mrs. William MooreMrs. William Moore, formerly Barbara Hoffmyer, aged 86 years, died this morning at her home 237 Hibernia street, following a sudden heart attack. Mrs. Moore had been in ill health for some time but her death was entirely unexpected. Born in New Hamburg she was a daughter of the late John and Elizabeth Hoffmyer and came to Stratford with her parents about 60 years ago, making her home in this city ever since. Mrs. Moore was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Seebach’s Hill, but ill health of the last few years had made church attendance impossible.
She was married in Stratford 58 years ago and beside her husband leaves two sons and two daughters, Albert Moore, Seaforth, George Moore at home, Mrs. William Haddock. Ridgetown, Mrs. W. T. Davis Stratford. Twenty grandchildren and 11 great-great grandchildren also survive. The remains are resting at the Heinbuch Funeral Home on Albert Street from where the funeral will be held with service Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. F. G. Lightbourn of St. James Church will conduct the service and the remains will be interred in Avondale Cemetery.
Mary Ann Hattery.

George Cosstick died in 1960.

* These details provided by Pat St George of Canada.
** These details provided by Elaine Scillo of Iowa.
charles and caroline cosstick were my great grandparents.Their son james edward cosstick was my grandfather.He was born in canada.
I find the article on the cossticks in the early years very interesting.
port huron mich
Thank you Phillip. If you would send me an email (email address on the right) you may be able to fill in a few missing details for me. Doug
Wow... very nice. Sarah Ann Cosstick (married George Pike) is my great-grandmother. Please do contact me or explore my family website for a bit more on the Canadian/US families:
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